Conditions of Hire – updated 01/02/2025
Please note these are the general conditions of hire for all Taunton Vale Sports Club Limited (The Vale) Sporting Facilities.
There may be slight amendments that are relevant to individual sports, activities or events. These alterations will be forwarded to you at the time your booking is confirmed. If you have any queries reference the Conditions of Hire please contact the Sports Club General Manager – [email protected] The following Conditions of Hire will form the basis of a legally binding contract between Taunton Vale Sports Club (The Vale) and the person hiring the facilities.
Submittance of a block booking request signifies acceptance of the conditions of hire.
Hirer Information
It is The Vale’s policy to keep on record the full home or business address and email address and telephone numbers of all hirers. Data Protection: Personal information supplied will be stored and will only be used by Officials of the Club and its Sections for the purpose of running the Club.
It is The Vale’s policy to review all prices and charges annually and rates are operative from 1st March each year, with any price increases coming into effect 1st April each year. All prices are inclusive of VAT charged at the rate determined by HM Revenue & Customs from time to time.
Regular block bookings:- Regular block bookings with more than 10 consecutive weeks are subject to a 10% discount (after the first 10 weeks ) of the full chargeable activity rate provided that payment is made within 14 days of a regular monthly invoice issued by The Vale or full hire rate made on the day. Discount is subject to removal if payment terms are not strictly adhered to. Example Sports Hall Hire £60 per hour Less 10% £54 per hour.
One off Special Events:- Will be invoiced separately.
Casual bookings: - Payment method may be made by cash, cheque or invoice as arranged with the Sports Club General Manager.
Block bookings :- A regular user is permitted 1 cancellation per 20 bookings on a pro rata basis during the year (operative from 1st September). If the hirer exceeds the number of cancellations permitted the full charge will still be levied. At least 1 week’s written notice by email must be given otherwise the full charge will be levied. Hirers who have bookings on account – Monthly Invoiced have access to cancel their booking 24 hours before the start time.
Casual 'One Off' bookings:- A casual user must give at least 7 days notice of cancellation in writing by phone or email otherwise the full charge will be levied.
Cancellation incurred due to inclement weather or non-availability of areas due to other circumstances as advised by The Vale will not be subject to charges.
The hirer shall indemnify The Vale against all actions, costs and demands in respect of damage or injury to a person, animal or property which may arise out of the facilities by the hirer; and shall take adequate insurance of at least £2.5 million against any reasonable foreseeable risk.
Clubs and organisations that provide any form of paid or free instruction or coaching during the period of hire must have adequate insurance. The Vale recommends a minimum of £5 million public liability. Evidence of such insurance must be produced if requested by the Vale.
All Coaches, instructors and teachers etc. hiring the facilities for the purpose of teaching others will be required to produce evidence of a suitable qualification and Criminal Records Bureau check before confirmation of the booking can be made.
First Aid
All Hirers are responsible for provision of their own first aid kits. In the event of an emergency only, there is a first aid kit located in the Groundfloor Manager’s office.
Change Overs
The booking time is to include time for equipment to be set up, taken down or stored. There is no allowance for change over outside the booking time unless advised by the Sports Club General Manager.
Floodlighting and Changing Room Allocation.
The above facilities will be utilised at the discretion of Taunton Vale Sports Club Limited and will be under the supervision of the Sports Club General Manager. Please use the ground floor toilets located within the changing rooms. Floodlights are set up on timers for scheduled bookings.
Use of Electrical Equipment
All items of electrical equipment brought onto the premises, must comply with Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. Hirers will provide proof that all electrical items have current test certificates.
In General
- All accidents and injuries are reported as soon as possible to the supervisor on duty and recorded in the appropriate accident book located in the Manager’s office. Or by emailing [email protected] Failure to do so will result in bookings being reviewed.
- Any damage to or faults with any equipment, fixtures or fitting is reported as above and recorded in the appropriate book.
- All litter is removed or placed in the bins provided.
- Non marking training shoes only to be worn for all indoor activities; either training shoes or rubber multi-studded boots for activities on the 3G football pitch (no metal studs or spikes); non marking training shoes / tennis shoes to be used on netball / tennis courts.
- Refreshments are not allowed in the main activity areas. No chewing gum, food or drink (except water) is to be taken inside the perimeter fence of any of the facilities.
- The Vale’s No Smoking policy is adhered to in all facilities.
- No Person climbs or attempts to climb the perimeter fence surrounding any of the facilities.
- No animals are allowed inside the facilities without permission from the Sports Club General Manager of the facilities:- with exception of the Guide Dogs/ Dogs for the disabled.
- Foul or abusive language will NOT be permitted
- Car park area – Users of the car park do so at their own risk. Taunton Vale Sports Club cannot accept responsibility for any damage or loss. The car park charges are £2 per vehicle per visit and valid for 24 hours.
Any abuse of the above conditions could result in a charge being levied to the hirer and facilities being withdrawn.
Specific conditions relevant to some sports, activities and facilities
For Indoor Facilities
- Football / Futsal is to be played using an indoor non marking football
- Equipment such as basketball hoops / posts / goals / are not to be moved from current storage areas without reference to facilities caretaker. Any equipment which is altered by hirers (i.e. height of posts) must return to the correct level for other users. Please notify the Sports Club General Manager should your booking require any specific requests.
- There may be times where you as the hirer will have to move some equipment to set up for your sporting activity. Example, carefully moving football goals to the side of the main sports hall playing area to set up netball posts.